A computer network is extremely useful in a very business. Most of the time a business can have over one computer got wind of and it typically terribly helpful to network all of the computers within the workplace. A local area network (LAN) can connect your company’s computers. This may enable them to share and exchange differing types of information. If you haven’t thought of networking your workplace computers, listen to these reasons.
Now a day’s computers are utilized in a wider range. All the organizations are using multiple computers at intervals their departments to perform their day to day work. it's necessary to connect them that type a network. The networks are classified into differing kinds in line with the network size. Once computers communicate with one another, they follow sure specifics formats and rules. These formats and rules are explained by the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model. The OSI model is abstract and has seven layers and every layer has its own functions.
Earlier, computers were only used as stand-alone machines. Computer networks were created to establish a communication link between different users within an organization. The Advanced Research projects Agency (ARPA) designed Advanced Research projects Agency Network (ARPANET) for United States Dept. of Defense. It was the first network in the world.
In 1970's, the research institutes and laboratories supported by the Dept. of defense were also included in ARANET in various parts of USA. COMPUTER NETWORKS: Computer network can be wired or wireless. Networks can be categorized as per the geographical area to be covered by the network.
There are several types of computer networks. A computer network can be very simple, such as only connecting two computers or a computer and a printer, or it can be very complex, connecting millions of computers and devices. Here is a list of different computer network types.
Computer network includes Personal Area Network (PAN), Local Area Network (LAN), Campus Area Network (CAN), Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), and Wide Area Network (WAN).
Personal Area Network (PAN)
The smallest type of network is a Personal Area Network (PAN). This type of computer network connects a computer to a number of devices. These devices may include, but are not limited to, printers, PDA’s, and telephones. Usually these are located very close to a computer.
Local Area Network (LAN):
LAN is a computer network that spans over a small area. It connects computers and workstation to share data and resources such as printers and faxes. LAN is restricted to small area such as home, office or college. The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in the United States of America produced a series of standards for LANs called IEEE 802 Standards. A Local Area Network (LAN) is used to network a small geographical area. An example of this type of computer network is a home network with two or more computers or computers that are connected in a workplace. A version of a LAN is a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN).
Campus Area Network (CAN):
Campus Area Network is a computer network. It is made up of two or more LANs within a limited area. The main feature of CAN is that all the computers which are connected together have some relationship to each other. For example, different building in a campus can be connected using CAN. A Campus Area Network (CAN) is ideal for a university but they are also found in industrial facilities. This type of computer network connects computers in a number of buildings. This is generally accomplished through bridging and routing. A Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) consists of any number of interconnected LANs and WANs but it will not extend certain boundaries, such as those of a town, city, or metropolitan area. Many of these are operated at public utilities and are used by businesses and individuals in the area.
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN):
MAN is the interconnection of networks in a city. Generally, MAN is not owned by a single organization. It acts as a high speed network to allow sharing resources within a city. MAN can also be formed by connecting remote LANs through telephone lines or radius links. A MAN is optimized for a larger geographical area than a LAN, ranging from several blocks of buildings to entire cities. MAN can also depend on communications channels of moderate-to-high data rates. A MAN might be owned and operated by a single organization, but it usually will be used by many individuals and organizations. MAN might also be owned and operated as public utilities. They will often provide means for inter-networking of local networks.
Wide Area Network (WAN):
WAN covers a wide geographical area which includes multiple computers or LANs. It connects computers through public networks, like telephone system, microwave, satellite link or leased line. It enables communication between the organization and the rest of the world. A Wide Area Network (WAN) is a step up from a MAN. This type of computer network can cross metropolitan or even national boundaries. The best known WAN is the Internet. This computer network uses routers and public communication links to carry data. Many WANs are run by private companies and restricted, unlike the Internet. Although these are the MAN types of network that most users come across there are other computer networks ranging from as small as a Desktop Area Network (DAN) to a very large Global Area Network (GAN).
Some benefits of computer networks are given below :
(1) Computers which are connected through a network can share resources as hard drives, printers, scanners etc with each other.
(2) They can send file from one computer to another quite easily.
(3) You can connect all the computers which are connected through a network to the internet by using a single line. So it means that you can save the connection cost for each computer but you internet connection must be fast.
(4) IF you want to access data from the other computer which is the part of network then you can access data from that computer.
(5) Users can run those programs which are not installed on their computers but are installed on any other user's computer.
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